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Upon embarking on a New Year, we all hope for new beginnings - new results. That a new day will bring new goals, opportunities, relationships, etc. We almost automatically think that things will get better, even if we aren't putting in the consistent results. Why? Well, because it's a new year of course! We are all guilty of this. The day after New Year's eve, we all wake up thinking, "This will be the first day of an amazing year." This could be completely true and very possible but not if we fail to take action.

The day after New Year's eve, I started thinking to myself. Why is that we all think that just because a New Year has begun, that things will suddenly improve? Well, here's the harsh reality. Things don't change, unless you make a conscious effort to improve them. A New Year won't, heck, not even tomorrow will, unless we decide that we will take the steps to make those changes.
The truth is, New Year's resolutions shouldn't be left for a New Year to start. Each and every day we have the ability to change the direction of our lives, if we have the courage to make a decision to take action. I referred to this earlier on social media, that we often feel stuck when we leave our feelings on autopilot. What does that mean? Well, it means that we go through our days, going through the motions. We allow the little things to affect our day, whether it be the weather (here in Canada, I can relate. Winter = Cold + Snow), the tragic news we hear on TV, or just everyday obstacles. But the truth is, true happiness resides within us at all times and is irrelevant to external circumstances.
So, I come to my next point. Will 2019 be the year that you make your dreams happen? The year that you push your vices aside and say ENOUGH!? If it is, we can make those changes happen this very moment. We can decide that today, will be the day, that we make a breakthrough. That we shift our ordinary mentality to a winner's mentality. The truth is greatness is within all of us. Not just within some of us or the chosen ones. You were born to be great! Maybe, 2019 will be the year that you decide that you will tap into that greatness and show that world what you've got!
Let's decide that today will be the day, that we let go of ours fears and DECIDE to make that change. After all, a new year doesn't equate to a new you. The decision to act on our intention to be great is ultimately going to be the solution to not just becoming the best version of ourselves in 2019 but in years to come.
From my heart to yours,
Darriel Roy